Contact Luna’s Herbal for a Consultation

On hold while pursuing Masters of Science in Herbal Medicine

email: to set up a virtual consultation


Virtual Consultation 1

Initial herbal consultation.
Estimated time 30-45 minutes. 

$‎ 50

Virtual Consultation 2 & Write up
After the initial conversation, time will be spent to find herbals that should be helpful, this second conversation will share these recommendations as well as a brief write-up of the benefits the recommended plants have.

Estimated time 30-45 minutes.

$‎ 50

Custom Botanical Cultivation 

Option to buy custom botanical cultivations suited to your needs. This will be a combination of tea and tincture to help with what is going on. 

$‎ 25

Total $100-$125


Matricaria chamomilla



Matricaria chamomilla

Family name: Asteraceae

Actions: Anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, vulnerary, antimicrobial, mild sedative, diaphoretic.

Constituents: Chamazulene, alpha-bisabol, trans-en-yn-dicycloethers and flavonoids such as apigen.

Contraindications/Safety: Avoid if there is a known chamomile allergy, it can cause dermatitis with topical use for some. Some have reported anaphylaxis with chamomile. To be avoided if there is a known allergy. Pregnancy category A, safe with breastfeeding

(Mills and Bones, 2023).